Answers Your Requirements
DDY answers your most important military and commercial requirements
with finely-controlled quality, personal service and cost-effectiveness.
DDY maintains an extensive inventory of aviation and electronic
materials, of both new and overhauled avionics, instruments and
accessories as well as a wide range of line replaceable expendables and
repair parts and can offer substantial savings with the capability to
customize items to your specific need and deliver them anywhere in the
world. DDY offers complete traceability on its aircraft and engine
parts and provides Certificate of Conformance with each shipment.
Commercial DC-8 \
B707 (JT3D- Engines and spare
parts) DC-9 \ B727 (JT8D- Engines and
spare parts) B737, B747, B757, B767
(Engines and spare parts)
Military A4 -E, -H (J52-P8 \
P408) F4 (J79-17) C-130 (T56-15) F-16 (F1 10)
MIRAGE (ATAR 9C, K 50) BELL 212, MD-500